

Our mechanics ensure that your vehicle is mechanically safe to drive and road legal by putting it through an MOT test. The MOT test is an annual vehicle safety check designed to assess vehicles through a series of checks. It applies to all vehicles that have been registered for three years or more.
Vehicles that do not pass their MOT due to major or dangerous faults must be repaired and retested to prove their roadworthiness. Should your vehicle need any work done in the event of a failed MOT, our qualified mechanics are perfectly equipped to repair and fix those issues. Annual servicing of your vehicle can reduce the chances of an MOT failure, as many of these checks are routinely completed.

What is checked in an MOT test?

Cars must pass their MOT test and comply with functional requirements for commonly used parts like brakes, lights, tyres, suspension and warning lights to be allowed back onto the roads. Less obvious but equally important vehicle checks like the horn, headlight alignment, seatbelt condition and door condition are also part of an MOT test.
Modern vehicles must also comply with emissions standards, which we are equipped to check here at Brown’s Garage. The rule of thumb regarding emissions is: the newer your car, the stricter the passing threshold will be.

Get Your Next MOT Booked Today