
Air Conditioning

Regular air conditioning servicing is the best way to ensure you can enjoy cooling air that works efficiently and effectively for as long as possible. That’s why Brown’s Garage customers enjoy a complete air conditioning recharge on all vehicle types.
Our expert mechanics are trained to look for signs of potential leaks and component failures during regular maintenance. We ensure that all seals remain lubricated and that your air conditioner is working optimally throughout the year, not just for the summer. It’s important to use your car’s air conditioning throughout the seasons to maintain the system and avoid malfunctioning parts.

Air Conditioning Clean

The joy of air conditioning is the feeling of freshness as it blasts cooling air into your car or vehicle. However, if there is a build-up of bacteria within the air conditioning system, unpleasant smells may begin to leak into your driving space.
At Brown’s Garage, we can fix that problem thanks to our antibacterial air conditioning cleaning service. We will eliminate those nasty smells emitting from your air conditioning to leave your car feeling and smelling fresh once again. Removing the build-up of bacteria within your air conditioning system helps to eliminate harmful pollutants and dust, which typically affect those with breathing difficulties.

Improve Fuel Economy

Ensuring your air conditioning is working effectively through maintenance helps with fuel economy. If your AC isn’t working during the warmer months, it may be tempting to open the windows to let in some fresh air.
However, this can increase drag, which means your car must work harder to travel. A well-maintained air conditioning system allows for effective use, come rain or shine, ensuring you save fuel as you won’t need to open the windows.

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